PHP Stock Apps Featuring PDO, Flat Files and MySQL

In this video series, we’ll build a simple PHP application that will read a flat file (text file) with some stocks data, parse the file and insert each record into a MySQL database using the PDO library, and query the database to display the data to the view.

In this video, we will create the DB class and the functions needed to perform some operations.

In this video, we will create the logic to display the database table to the view.

In this video, we will create functions to read a flat file, parse it, and insert data to the table in our database. We’ll also reset the table by using the truncate statement to wipe out data and reset the PK back to 1.

In this video, we will take a look at one example of SQL Injection if not using a prepare statement. SQL injection can easily wipe out your database if it’s not carefully handled.

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