How to Iterate Through an Array of Objects Using JavaScript
November 3, 2018
Suppose you have an array of objects.
var zipCodes = [ {"ZIP": 30001, "LAT": 30.750633, "LNG": -63.997177}, {"ZIP": 10001, "LAT": 40.750633, "LNG": -73.997177 }, {"ZIP": 20001, "LAT": 50.750633, "LNG": -83.997177 }];
If you want to grab only the LAT and LNG values for a matching ZIP (as the key), you can easily use the for loop:
var key = 10001; //the zip code you want to search var lng, lat; for(var i=0; i < zipCodes.length; i++){ if(zipCodes[i].ZIP == key){ lat = zipCodes[i].LAT; lng = zipCodes[i].LNG; break; } }
However, if you just want to loop through the entire array and print them out, you could use the object.forEach() method:
zipCodes.forEach(function(item,index){ lat = item.LAT; lng = item.LNG; });
You can try running the code here: