
Connecting to MongoDB Using Async/Await in Node.js

⭕ Overview

This video is a step-by-step guide to working with MongoDB using JavaScript asynchronous functions. You will realize why it is important to use the `await` keyword inside `async` functions for handling database connections and operations such as `find`, `delete`, `insert`, and `update`. In this tutorial, I am going to teach how to connect to MongoDB Database and efficiently handle callback functions. I’ll explain how to structure your code for better readability and performance by using async/await. Moreover, I will elaborate more on the consistency of data types while reading and comparing the user ID from MongoDB—keeping you from common pitfalls.

Note: For local MongoDB databases, use the IP address “” instead of “localhost” because Node.js 18 and up prefer IPv6 addresses. This means, on many machines, Node.js will resolve “localhost” to the IPv6 address “::1” and it might be unable to connect, unless the mongodb instance is running with ipv6 enabled.

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